November 08 2019

CARE-E+E-EE381-Moisture in Oil Transmitter
PART CODE : CARE-E+E-EE381-Moisture in Oil Transmitter
Humidity measurement in oil Similar to the humidity in the air, the water content in oilcan be indicated by the absolute value in ppm or by therelative value aw:
- ppm (mass of water / mass of oil)
- aw (actual water content as fraction of the water content in saturated oil)
The EE381 transmitter has two freely selectable and scaleable outputs for water activity, water content ortemperature.
The EE381 switch with two relay outputs is designed for control and alarm purposes. The status for earlywarning and main alarm is indicated by LED’s.
Adjustment of the aw/T/ppm set point and hysteresis
Applications monitoring of
- transformer oil
- hydraulic oil
- ship engines