Float and board level indicators are used for fluid level measurements in several industries. The float that is contained within a magnetic level indicator is of course the most important element of the instrument. In fact, its structural design, volume displacement, weight, and buoyancy force are all taken into careful consideration when a float is specified for a particular application
Most often, the floats and board level indicators find its application in over ground and over head storage tanks. They are also used in storage tanks of petroleum products, like furnace oil, diesel, and lube oil and so on. Also, it is used in storage of vegetable oils, molasses, silicates, glucose and so on. In short, the float and board level indicators are most widely used in all non hazardous and non pressurized tanks.
The features of a typical float and board level indicator can be detailed as follows. It has dust proof pulley housing. It comes with an SS bush bearing for a smooth rotation of pulley. The pointer cradle has 6 nylon rollers and adjustable brackets for easy mounting. It has a non corroding aluminum board with controlled cross section geometry and a wide painted scale with prominent multi color marking. The indicator of course, has a slack float with large diameter for higher accuracy. This level indicator is very easy to transport as well as install.